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Access to follicular dendritic cells is a pivotal step in murine chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cell activation and proliferation

Article Details

  • Authors

    • Prof. Thomas Hehlgans

    • Prof. Thomas Hehlgans

  • Date Published

    August 23, 2014

Heini K, Gatjen M, Grau M, Stache V, Anagnostopoulos I, Gerlach K, Niesner RA, Cseresnyes Z, Hauser AE, Lenz P, Hehlgans T, Brink R, Westermann J, Dorken B, Lipp M, Lenz G, Rehm A, Hopken UE. (2014) Access to follicular dendritic cells is a pivotal step in murine chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cell activation and proliferation. Cancer Discov. 4: 1448. PMID: 25252690